Hi, I’m Waqar Ahmed

I’m a travelling journalist who journeys the tribal heartlands of Pakistan and Afghanistan. My Fish & Chips blog presents evidence-based reports on rampant Western Imperialism rarely covered by western media.

Novel / Book

From Peaks to Slums

Poverty and hunger bring people to terrible lows. Adam Kohzada, the clueless son of a British-Pakistani millionaire, learns this harsh truth as he labours below the international poverty line to earn his ticket back to London.

The slums are a harrowing place to live – among festering sewage pools and wild animals, where starving children beg and women are liabilities. From Peaks to Slums tells the stories of slum-dwelling women who dream of a life without pain and hate from a merciless patriarchy.

Creative material for From Peaks to Slums book
From Peaks to Slums, a Feminism Literary Novel by Waqar Ahmed

A world where men hang from overladen buses, newborn girls are thrown outside, transwomen sell their bodies to eat, and where rich prey on the poor. An open-air prison where Adam’s only solace is a lonely, broken girl who invokes sweet memories of a distant past.

A tale that starts in the cold, glaciated peaks of Afghanistan’s Hindu Killer mountains ends in Pakistan’s coastal slums, a story of tribal honour and perseverance.

A guide to my blog

My blog is split into three categories.

Fish & Chips

Authentic stories and research of colonialism and modern-day imperialism from the West, easily swept under the rug by their media.

Kebab & Kibbeh

Tales of bloodied dictatorships, amoral politicians, and Army-owned countries. See first hand the allure of unaccountable power in the Eastern world.

The Silent Bards

Inspiring stories from marginalised, unheard voices that live in slums and destitution. Beauty & Perseverance ≠ Europe & North America.

Contact & Socials

I’m always open to queries and feedback. I’ll reply within 24 hours.

Email: [email protected]