Humanity is dead. Buried in the same rubble as Gazan children.

One Minute Massacres

Fully evidence-based accounts of Israeli massacres—short, sourced, and readable in under a minute.

Travel Blogs

En route to Pakistan-Afghanistan Torkham border, the Khyber Agency. A historic Taliban stronghold.

Books & Publishing

  • Book: From Peaks to Slums (Romance/Adventure/Literary)

    Book: From Peaks to Slums (Romance/Adventure/Literary)

    When Americans invade Afghanistan post-9/11, eight-year-old Adam Kohzada, born and raised in posh London, finds himself stuck in his tribal village. His restless wait for his father’s delayed return from Kabul is eased by a refugee girl he calls Fairy. They don’t share any language, but spend a tender autumn in the snow-covered peaks of […]

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Exploring Terrorism & Imperialism

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