A study on children by Israel’s University of Haifa (fourth, fifth, and sixth graders) showed that Israeli children viewed Arabs as “kidnapper of children, murderers, criminals, and terrorists.” As studies in child psychology have shown, children are incredibly receptive to the media they consume, forming lifelong beliefs about them.
There’s documented footage of Arab children being flattened by Israeli tanks, toddlers being double-shot by Israeli snipers, and family cars being blown by tanks from ‘metres’ away. The perverse giddiness through which Israeli soldiers reap and cull women and children suggests a deeply intimate hatred.
While humans are born with a variety of innate emotions, Hate takes the most drilling. Where does it come from? What made it possible? The world blames the heinous likes of ISIS for raising child soldiers, but why a blind eye to Israel?

Related: Animals, Cockroaches, Sand Nig-: Western & Israeli Hate for Arabs
Raised to join the IDF?
Zionist ‘educationists’ drill hate into Israeli children from the start. Let’s start with children’s books, drawing on the excellent work of Fouzi El-Asmar (scroll below for a tl;dr list).
Joseph and some of his men thus crossed the land [Palestine] on foot, until they reached Galilee. They climbed mountains, beautiful but empty mountains where nobody lived… Joseph said, “We want to establish this kibbutz and conquer this emptiness. We shall call this place Tel Hai…. The land is empty; its children have deserted it. They are dispersed and no longer tend it. No one protects or tends the land now.
What Story Will I Tell My Children, claiming that ‘Palestinians’ have never existed. Gurvitz and Navon (128-134)
In their very first exposure to literature, Israeli children are brainwashed by stories that Arabs have stolen and colonised the land that belongs to the Jews. If Arabs are always the occupiers of the land, it makes it easier to justify kicking them out.
Related: Deir Yassin Massacre: How Israel Rewrites History of Murdering & Parading 100+ Innocents
he saw a big stone. He went to look closer, and found some markings on it. He said to himself that this stone was a relic of an ancient Jewish village. We shall plant our roots here, and bring this Jewish village back to life. He called to his son and said, “Here on this hill we shall live. Do you see these stones? They are the remainders of an ancient Jewish village. Let us collect some of these stones and build our new village.
The People of the Beginning, Eliezer Semoli (12)
The children’s book excerpt above suggests that Israeli ‘land’ had been untouched for well over two thousand years. The ‘land’ is a potential utopia to be built. This idea draws on the fantasies of Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist political movement.

The effendi sold the land. It is my land, but he sold it to a Jewish effendi with long hair. What was his name? I remember the name only … Israel.
Purim in April, Emma Levin Talmi (103). The author claims Arabs sold their land for money.
The shaykhs looked at each other and said, “Godspeed, khwaja. Welcome. The land is not our land. We heard it belongs to the Jews.”
The People of the Beginning, Eliezer Semoli (24). Arabs have never owned the Palestinian land.
The Arabs, who had occupied our land 1,300 years ago, lived on the land and looked at it as their homeland but never did anything to protect it from ruin… While our land was occupied by aliens, it was also turning into a wasteland. The children of Israel lived in diaspora with their eyes fixed on their land, for they wanted to return to the land of Israel, their beloved homeland.
The Independence of Israel, A. Dani (13-14). Arabs turned the land into a wasteland, the savages.
These ‘excerpts’ of larger texts show a contradiction in Israel’s narrative. Either the land was untended, or it was colonised by Arabs. But then Arabs sold Palestine to the Jews, but the Jews always had a right to the land because it was their ‘homeland’.
The father was startled. “There are all kinds of Arabs,” he said. “Some of them are thieves. You just can’t tell who is honest and who is a thief among them.”
“Are there Jewish theives?” asked the child.
“Of course, but they are not here. They live far away, in the city. In our village, all the Jews are honest. Nobody steals.”
“And the Arabs, don’t they get angry when you keep an eye on them as if they were thieves?” asked the boy.
“Perhaps,” said the father. “But what can one do?”
Fire in the Wood, Yossi Margalit. Children are taught that while some Jews are bad, all Arabs are unequivocally bad.
I cannot hand you over to those people. They do not take prisoners and do not tend the injured. They are murderous beasts.
Yehuda Salu, Fire in the Mountains (41). The author refers to Arabs as murderous beasts.
I had met a Jewish youth called Girshon who taught me the meaning of life. He was my teacher and my friend at the same time. That is why I am different from these murderers.
Yehuda Salu, Fire in the Mountains (42). Children are taught that only Jews can be civilised, but all Arabs are murdering savages.
“Let us see how the Bedouin live in their tents,” Nadav said with disgust. “They are dirty, they smell foul.”
Yossi Margalit, Fire in the Wood (18). Israeli children are taught that Bedouins are dirty and smelly.
The Arab gangs conspired at the time to destroy all the achievements of the pioneering Jewish generation.
The Independence of Israel, A. Dani (95).
The Jewish boy was not aware of what he was doing. He lifted the Uzi and fired some shots in the air. The bullets passed over the head of the Arab soldier. That was more than enough. The Arab, startled, ran away.
The Parachutists Are Coming, Uriel Offeq (62). Israeli children are taught that Arabs are cowards.
So Arabs are…
- Aliens
- Land thieves
- Greedy people who sold their own land for money
- Occupiers
- Thieves
- Murderous beasts
- Filthy and foul-smelling
- Gangsters and criminals
- Terrorists
- Cowards

Another study of 124 Israeli textbooks falling in children’s literature found that Arabs are stereotyped as ‘robbers‘, ‘bloodthirsty‘, ‘murderers‘, ‘rioters‘, and ‘suspicious‘. These anti-Arab values are embedded into Israeli children from a young age.
Related: Animals, Cockroaches, Sand Nig-: Western & Israeli Hate for Arabs
While the West is quick to blame Palestinians and Lebanese for media that is anti-Israel, there’s nothing when Israel spreads anti-Arab media.

Related: Menachem Begin: Israeli Terrorist who became Prime Minister & won Nobel Peace Prize
Militarising the upbringing of children has always been a ‘thing’ in Israel, while the Western world chastises the Arab and Muslim world for doing the same. Here is a shot from the celebration of Israel’s Independence Day in 2014.

Racism and hate is ingrained into the minds of innocent Israeli children from their state and parents, creating a lifelong hatred towards Arabs that manifests itself like in the Al-Jazeera’s school video above. Another Israeli researcher, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, had the following to say about the depiction of Arabs in Israeli media.
The Arab with a camel, in an Ali Baba dress. They describe them as vile and deviant and criminal, people who don’t pay taxes, people who live off the state, people who don’t want to develop, the only representation is as refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists. You never see a Palestinian child or doctor or teacher or engineer or modern farmer.
Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Professor of Language and Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Indoctrination of younger, wonderous minds is an official policy of Israel. In December 2022, the IDF began recruiting 14- and 15-year-old children into twelve-year military contracts. Israel’s civil organisations like HaShomer HaChadash run educational camps to militarise children into IDF recruitment away from urban centres.
More Reading: Killed By Who? How Western Media Hides Israeli War Crimes, Pt.1
Western media outlets like CNN and NYT never report on Israel’s indoctrination of its children. But these outlets giddily go along when the Israeli state feeds them an Arabic calendar as ‘proof’ of Hamas activities. But there’s radio silence when Israel teaches children to lob grenades.
Israel and Western double standards, name a more iconic duo.
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