
Illegals & Terrorists: What CIA said of Israel’s Irgun (Bibi’s Party) in 1944

What the CIA of 1944 called ‘Terrorism’ is now called Middle East’s only ‘Democracy’ in 2024.

The parent of the CIA, the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, produced a classified report in 1944 on Israel’s terror group ‘Irgun Zvai Leumi‘ and its leader, Menachem Begin. It appears that the Western world today has forgotten all those facts, because that same Irgun now controls the Israeli State, by renaming itself into the ‘Likud’ party.

The hypocrisy of the West is so strong that it provides military and intelligence aid to a terrorist government. The Zionists seem to control the United States, as it delivered more than 50,000 tons of military aid to Israel (over 500 air sorties and 107 cargo ships) in less than a year. This military aid is used for genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The United States airdrops ‘humanitarian’ aid over the Gaza Strip, which has led to drownings and deaths in famine-struck Gaza. The same planes are thereafter used to supply Israel with munitions and bombs used to reinforce said famine. Credit: USAF Archives, 2024.

Coming as no surprise, the U.S. President Joe Biden lied that he would stop Israel’s military aid if Israel was to invade Rafah in May 2024. In August 2024, Times of Israel merrily reported that American bombs and weapons were being delivered uninterruptedly.

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    The CIA Report of 1944

    Here’s how U.S. Intelligence services saw Zionist terror groups like Irgun Zvai Leumi in 1944.

    The Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization) is an illegal, paramilitary society in Palestine, composed of fanatical Zionists who desire to convert Palestine and Transjordan into an independent Jewish State and who advocate the use of force both against the Arabs and the British to achieve this maximal political goal.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    There is no statute of limitations on terror attacks, so I would like to share a range of definitions from the CIA, Mi5, and the RCMP. ‘Terrorism’ is an attack that attempts to intimidate a people or state through violence. Let’s see if this applies to Irgun as we read this CIA report.

    The Irgun accordingly embarked upon a program of violence directed against the British, with a view to intimidating the governmental authorities into abrogating the White Paper.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    Interestingly, it appears that the CIA and U.S. Intelligence knew that U.S. soil was being used to raise funding for terror attacks on the British state and territories.

    Irgun representatives in the US and elsewhere collected funds for the support of their ‘humanitarian’ undertaking. These funds have largely been used to train and equip with arms the members of the society and to defray the costs of terrorist activities.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    Indeed, Zionist sympathisers were using U.S. soil in funding terror attacks against Arab and British governments in Palestine. This is evidence from Western Intelligence, not some ‘biased’ Arabian source.

    A portrait of Hillel Kook.
    Hillel Kook, a Russian-born Zionist was one of Irgun’s staunchest terrorists and lobbied the U.S. government for pro-Zionist policies. His role in the Bergson Group likely included using U.S. soil for terrorism funding as indicated by CIA. Credit: Laurence A. Jarvik

    The CIA reports that Irgun’s terror attacks grew in 1944, including the use of bombing and gun attacks.

    Emphasis has been placed on the destruction of property by the use of land-mines and bombs… Irgun leaders with the bravado of the former Arab rebel commanders “proudly” assumed responsibility for these terrorist activities, usually by the distribution of illegal broadsheets. The following is a list of Irgun terrorist exploits during the past nine month.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    I grew up in Pakistan, a country affected by the Western War on Terror. Every week a terror attack in Karachi would kill dozens of innocents, and a terror group (like TTP and Al-Qaeda) would proudly assume responsibility for the massacres. These terror groups were never forgiven by the Western world – so why has Irgun not only been forgiven, but their leader has been given a Nobel Peace Prize?

    Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in 2014 conducted a heinous massacre of 100+ innocent school children in Peshawar, Pakistan. Irgun Zvai Leumi similarly conducted the Deir Yassin massacre outside Jerusalem, where Arabian sources note that over 250+ innocent children and women were executed on the streets, paraded, and their corpses publicly burnt. Credit: Islamabad Archives.

    Read More: Deir Yassin Massacre: How Israel Rewrites History of Murdering & Parading 100+ Innocents

    The CIA report explores seven highly coordinated terror attacks (many in multiple cities at once) conducted by Irgun in 1944. These bombings and attacks led to deaths and casualties, which included the:

    • Palestine Department of Migration (Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and Haifa)
    • Government Revenue offices (Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and Haifa)
    • Headquarters of the Police and Criminal Investigation Department (Jerusalem)
    • Palestine Broadcasting Service (Ramallah)
    • Government Land Registry offices (Jerusalem)
    • Jerusalem District Police
    • Jaffa Divisional Police Headquarters
    • Two police stations in Jaffa-Tel-Aviv region
    • Multiple police stations in Bayt Dajan, Qalqilyah, Qatrah, and Haifa

    Irgun’s terror attacks are so numerous that I have been collating evidence in separate reports. So broad was the entire Zionist front in conducting terror attacks in Palestine that even the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation (an American-focused lobby group) was found to be affiliated with Irgun. The CIA report noted the following printed in a Jewish Daily, Mishmar.

    [It] stressed the fact that the Irgun’s activities both in Palestine and in the US betrayed all the ugly symptoms of facism. In Palestine, Irgun members have been killing British and Jewish police from ambush, in order to ‘drive out the conquerors;’ in the US, they have helped to defer the solution of the political problems of Palestine.

    The terrorist acts in Palestine and the political mockery in the US, warned Mishmar, were dangerous symptoms of a malignant disease. The only remedy was to do everything conceivable to isolate the Irgun and the movement which produced it – Revisionism.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    Illegal Jewish Immigration

    The Western media often ‘defends’ Israel vis-a-vis a beaten, tired argument that Zionists have some ‘right’ to Palestinian land and that the Jewish people have a blood connection to the Palestine. Not to mention that Israel didn’t have a natively born Prime Minister until their fifth in 1974 with Yitzhak Rabin (born 1922 in Palestine to Ukrainian parents). Funnier is the fact that Israel succeeded Rabin with Menachim Begin, the leader of Irgun, who came from Belorussia.

    Mugshot of Menachim Begin in the NKVD Soviet Secret Police.
    Belorussian-born Menachem Begin, Israel’s Sixth Prime Minister and Head of Irgun, in custody of Soviet Intelligence for his role in Betar terrorism in 1940. He would later go on to execute the Deir Yassin massacre, King David Hotel bombing, and more. Credit: Russian Federation Archives

    Read More: Menachem Begin: Israeli Terrorist who became Prime Minister & won Nobel Peace Prize

    Much of Israel today is populated by Zionists and Jews who fled Eastern Europe, either in fear of persecution from the Nazis or from promises of wealth in to-be-occupied Palestine. Irgun’s composition was mostly from Eastern European paramilitaries. The CIA notes that…

    … Irgun recruits are drawn almost exclusively from among the Revisionists. Moreover, Bitar, the rigidly-disciplined Revisionist youth movement, provides pre-military training for potential Irgun members. In fact, Irgun members are able to conceal their affiliation with the secret society by assuming active roles either in the Revisionist Party or in Bitar.

    Thus, for example, Eri Jabotinsky, as head of the Bitar Immigration Department (1938-1940) was able to direct Irgun’s organization of illegal immigration into Palestine.

    Although Irgun headquarters are in Palestine, branches of the society were established in pre-war days in Poland and other European countries.

    The Palestine unit has tended to fluctuate in size and at present has about 3-4,000 members, most of whom are well-educated and idealistic and would not normally have engaged in criminal pursuits.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    It is noted by the U.S. intelligence that when Irgun observed the floodgates of unlimited Jewish immigration closing in Britain’s 1939 White Paper, it began using illegal immigration to colonise the Palestinian lands.

    The Russian-origin Jabotinsky crime family. Ze’ev Jabotinsky (left) created the Irgun terror group, while Eri Jabotinsky (right) headed the Betar’s (a Latvian Zionist Terror outfit) Illegal Immigration agency illegally pouring Zionists and Jews into Palestine.

    … the Irgun undertook to organize illegal Jewish entrance into the country, resorting to force when necessary.

    The Palestine Government, however, has registered close to 20,000 illicit entrants since May 1939, the overwhelming majority having arrived before 1941…

    … It may be estimated that as many as 50,000 illegal immigrants probably reached Palestine since the formation of Irgun in 1937…

    The organization of illegal immigration proved to be a lucrative venture, since in addition to charging the prospective immigrants what the traffic would bear, Irgun representatives in the US and elsewhere collected funds for the support of their “humanitarian” undertaking. These funds have largely been used to train and equip with arms the members of the society and to defray the costs of terrorist activities.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    The Enemy of My White European Kin is My Enemy

    True to their Colonialist and Imperialistic instincts, the British conceded that dealing with the dirty, brown Arabs defending their own homeland was cumbersome. The British concluded that their white European counterparts from countries like Poland, Latvia, and Belorussia could be natural allies. So a ‘British-Zionist’ alliance formed against the Arabs. Interestingly, the Zionists stabbed Britain in the back later on.

    Here, the CIA notes the following:

    The Irgun became vehemently anti-British after the appearance of the 1939 White Paper, which was interpreted as a concession to Arab violence. But a truce was declared immediately upon the outbreak of war, when the society offered its services to assist Britain against the common enemy.

    In fact, it cooperated closely with the British Middle East military forces in the early part of the war, particularly in the Iraqi and Syrian campaigns of 1941.

    Irgun leaders became disillusioned… as the immigration deadline provided in the 1939 White Paper approached. The mandatory power was warned early in 1944 that the “armistice… declared at the beginning of the war” had been “disregarded by the British Government” and had, therefore, been terminated. The Irgun accordingly embarked upon a program of violence directed against the British, with a view to intimidating the government authorities into abrogating the White Paper.

    Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch (CIA)

    So Britain found itself fighting two radical factions that used terrorism as a means to intimidate their government. What did Britain do? It chose the white European colonisers as their partners to oppress the Arab, who had the strongest, natural claim to the land.

    When it comes to dealing with Zionist terrorism, the British State enjoys being humiliated and having its people killed without justice. One example is the King David Hotel bombing in 1946. Even the Americans lose their navy ships and sailors to Israel with no justice.

    Irgun Zvai Leumi and Netanyahu’s Likud

    The party that controls Israel’s Prime Minister position today was made by Irgun Zvai Leumi. Menachem Begin started politics by forming the ‘Herut’ party. That party changed its name to the Likud Party, electing Menachem Begin as Israel’s sixth Prime Minister in the landslide elections of 1977.

    Netanyahu and Ben Gvir at a public reading in 2023.
    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (centre-left) at the Megillah reading in Beit Horon in 2023. To his left is Itamar Ben Gvir, who was an influential member of the US-banned terror outfit ‘Kach Party.’ Netanyahu himself leads the party created by Mi5 and CIA designated terror outfit, Irgun Zvai Leumi.

    You don’t have to take my word for this fact. The pro-Zionist Jewish Virtual Library proudly shares Likud’s origin on their website. The terrorism by Israel in Gaza today, including bombing of UN-run schools, hospitals, and innocent civilian homes should come as no surprise as the natural continuation of a terrorist legacy.

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    Life in a Zionist terror organisation is easy. You are allowed to use U.S. soil to fund terror activities. In fact, the U.S. government will even look the other way when you set up rape camps of Palestinian prisoners, who are illegally held without charges.

    Zionist Israel has learned of its immunity from tiny crimes like famine and genocide of Palestinian Arabs. The CIA that stated Irgun Zvai Leumi a terrorist group in 1944, now in 2024 provides vital intelligence to the Irgun-run government.

    So strong is the Zionists’ power that the CIA in June 2024 declared that Netanyahu has no intention of creating a post-war plan for Gaza. Israel has refused the pleadings of the Biden administration, but not the complete bankrolling of Gazan genocide by U.S. taxpayers. What can you possibly do though? The only thing I’d suggest is to keep eating Fish & Chips (more of my evidence-backed blogs).

    Read More: Western Media Silence on War Rape: Ukraine vs Gaza?

    Series: Killed By Who? How Western Media Hides Israeli War Crimes, Pt.1

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