Israel Used a £4 Writer to Rattle US-coup in Pakistan, But She Used ChatGPT & Antisemitic Language

Times of Israel is pushing an anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic narrative that powerful Jewish families control Pakistan’s military and government.

In 2023, a secret document was leaked by the U.S.-based The Intercept, confirming the controversial ‘cipher’ involving top U.S. officials including Donald Lu, Lesslie Viguerie and the US Embassy in Islamabad over a U.S-backed coup in Pakistan that deposed Prime Minister Imran Khan.

In the leak, an enraged Biden Administration threatened Pakistan that PM Imran Khan had exceeded his bounds by meeting Vladimir Putin. Khan’s visit to Russia in 2022 (planned from before the Ukraine conflict) came at a time when Western tensions with Moscow were peaking since the Cold War, and the Russian Army was expected to invade Ukraine.

Two senior US diplomats
U.S. President Joe Biden’s diplomatic team that organised the soft-coup in Pakistan. Left: Lesslie Viguerie, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA). Right: Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs.

According to the leaks, the United States demanded certain actions if Pakistan was to be “forgiven” for its betrayal. So bold and boisterous are the demands in this leaked document that political experts say they couldn’t have come from any lower than the White House itself.

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    I think if the no-confidence vote against the Prime Minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the Prime Minister [Imran Khan]. Otherwise, I think it will be tough going ahead.

    I cannot tell how this will be seen by Europe but I suspect their reaction will be similar.

    … honestly I think isolation of the Prime Minister will become very strong from Europe and the United States.

    Donald Lu, Senior U.S. Official

    And the rest is history. The United States has always preferred a docile puppet government in Pakistan, controlled by political parties that give them absolute permission to drone-strike (who cares about civilian deaths?) Taliban-linked tribal areas, and parties exposed for record-shattering corruption cases in the Panama Leaks.

    A Ukrainian GRAD MLRS. Shortage of missiles for these systems led to US procuring Pakistan’s reserves. Credit: Ukraine Armed Forces Archives.

    More leaked documents revealed later that after deposing Imran Khan’s government, Pakistan was made to supply Ukraine with 155mm artillery shells and other key military resources. It is notable that NATO, after reducing its industrial output for artillery (where Russia has a massive advantage), has been scouring the markets for 155mm shells. Even more, Pakistan was to made to supply thousands of GRAD rockets to Ukraine. This is how Western Imperialism brought a country to its heels.

    An American M109 Howitzer
    US-made M109 self-propelled Howitzers use 155mm artillery shells which NATO is supplying through Pakistan. Ukraine has received many US and NATO 155mm systems and is facing a chronic shortage of shells against Russia. Credit: US Army Archives

    Pakistan has been plunging deeper and deeper into political, economic, and social crises since the American soft-coup in 2022, where Imran Khan (holding a supermajority of the popular vote) has been jailed for over a year in cases being heard by ‘Kangaroo courts‘, as opined by legal experts.

    As Imran Khan’s release from prison looms closer, Western powers are concerned of losing Pakistan’s support once again. This is where we see (a Mossad conspiracy?) to subdue Pakistan once again, to ensure Imran Khan never rises to power again. One such attempt was made by Israel in September 2024, as we explore in this report.

    Israel’s £4 Writer Who Used AI

    Early in September 2024, the Times of Israel published an interesting piece by an enviably talented writer who speaks four languages, has two Masters’ Degrees in European Studies and International Law, a bachelor degree in International Affairs, and certificates from Oxford. Despite possessing this immense talent, she also works as a £4 writer on Fiverr pushing content mill-level articles.

    There’s nothing wrong with being a freelancer. But there’s plenty wrong with writing unsourced claims. You’d expect Israel’s largest national newspaper to ensure that it is not supporting anti-semitic voices.

    Times of Israel published an opinion piece of Aynur Bashirova.

    The opinion, titled ‘An Unlikely Ally: How Imran Khan Could Shape Israeli-Pakistani Relations‘, is a thinly veiled attempt to slander Imran Khan. The writing portrays Imran Khan, who has always been anti-Israel and anti-West to a fault, as a pro-West revolutionary who is secretly communicating (without a shred of evidence) with a ‘Jewish Cabal’ to engineer his return to power in Pakistan (Yes, THAT QAnon conspiracy).

    Here, Times of Israel pushes a QAnon, anti-semitic conspiracy theory that Jewish leaders have the power to appoint political leaders around the world.

    There have been reports suggesting that Imran Khan sent messages to Israeli officials through the Goldsmith family, signaling a potential willingness to consider normalizing relations between Pakistan and Israel and his willingness to moderate the religious discourse in Pakistan. If these reports are accurate, they suggest a level of flexibility in Khan’s approach to Israel that goes beyond the traditional Pakistani stance. This potential willingness to engage with Israel could be seen as a strategic move to align Pakistan’s foreign policy with the changing dynamics of the Middle East.

    Aynur Bashirova, via Times of Israel

    For those unaware of Imran Khan’s connection to the “Jews”, his first (now ex-) wife was a member of the British-Jewish Goldsmith family (when he was a famous cricketer). A Jewish family that has no known political connection to Israel, unlike other Jewish lines like the Rothschild.

    Zac and Jemima Goldsmiths.
    Left: Zac Goldsmith. Centre: Jemima Goldsmith. The Jewish Goldsmith siblings have come under British media controversy, where Jemima (Imran Khan’s ex-wife) has spoken against Israeli attacks on Gaza. Credit: Anthony Upton

    Because the author was not able to find any political link between Israel and the Goldsmith family, she resorted to Khan’s backing of his wife’s brother, Zac Goldsmith, in London’s Mayoral Elections as ‘proof’ of his connections with Israel. Talk about scraping the bottom of a barrel.

    Zac Goldsmith’s connections to Jewish and pro-Israel circles in the UK, along with the broader influence of the family within Western elite circles, could have provided Khan with a different perspective on Israel. Khan’s support for Zac Goldsmith in the London mayoral election, even against a fellow Muslim candidate, Sadiq Khan, underscores his loyalty to the family and their broader network, which in turn have supported him in the past.

    Aynur Bashirova, via Times of Israel
    Pakistan PM Imran Khan with US President Donald Trump in Davos, 2020. Imran Khan has drawn ire from the West for his famous stance ‘Absolutely Not’ to demands like hosting American military bases. Credit: White House Archives.

    Once the article had sufficiently “established” (with zero evidence) that Imran Khan is having secret communications with powerful and shady “elite” Jewish groups and “networks” (QAnon much?), the narrative moved to falsely malign Imran Khan’s reputation with Pakistan’s powerful right-wing and religious groups:

    Despite these challenges, Khan has previously shown a willingness to challenge the status quo, particularly in areas like education reform and women’s rights, where he has taken on powerful religious organizations. This suggests that he might be willing to take a more nuanced approach to Israel if he believes it could serve Pakistan’s broader strategic interests.

    Aynur Bashirova, via Times of Israel

    Times of Israel here suggests that Imran Khan has taken on ‘powerful religious organisations’ (which organisations? no source or proof again) and pushes the idea that any Pakistani (or Muslim?) government that seeks education reforms and advancements in women’s rights is inherently moving to acceptance of Israel, because these things are somehow mutually related? What? How? When?

    When Colonial powers like Britain and France usurped entire countries, they did so under the guise of bringing ‘enlightenment’ to the ‘savages.’ This statement published by the Times of Israel reeks of the same racist, colonial overtones.

    ChatGPT and Pakistani Media

    Pakistan’s media, always lacking in basic fact-checking and reporting ethics, ran the Times of Israel article on primetime news slots. Entire political talk-shows were spent discussing the “damning” allegations against Imran Khan (from a no-name ‘writer’ with zero evidence), and his connection to a ‘Jewish Cabal’ bent on taking over Pakistan.

    It is incredibly ironic that Times of Israel actually pushed the QAnon conspiracy to Pakistan’s masses. Even Pakistan’s Defence Minister Khwaja Asif, used the article as political ammunition to discredit Khan as a ‘Jewish Agent’.

    PM Imran Khan laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin Wall in 2022. His government was deposed in a well-known and well-documented coup by the US deep state. Since the coup, Western ‘Journalists‘ have downplayed Western Imperialism, in typical revisionism that absolves the United States.

    I would like to raise two issues with the Times of Israel publication here. As you may have noticed in my writing so far, I have linked every claim that I have made to its original source. The Times of Israel publication, in contrast, has literally zero links to any claim. Essentially a journalism meme of ‘trust me, bro.’

    Tipped by many Pakistanis who were perturbed by the lies being pushed, I ran the Times of Israel publication through a number of online ChatGPT and AI detectors. And sure enough, the entire article is likely written by ChatGPT. Not only did Israel use a £4 article writer to produce a series of fake (and anti-semitic) allegations against Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, the article writer used ChatGPT to cheat through it.

    Don’t take my word for it. Run the article through any online AI detector to see it is GPT-generated. Here, I used

    Since AI is all the rage with this article, I asked if whether ChatGPT thinks the author is pushing an anti-semitic narrative.

    Yes, the passage does imply that Imran Khan may have signaled a “potential willingness” to engage with Israel, and it also hints at a broader notion that Israel or its allies could play a role in shaping Khan’s political fortunes. The statement near the end of the article—“Israel and its allies must do whatever they can to ensure that Imran Khan is free again to participate in Pakistani politics and be the voice that channels moderation”—seems to suggest that Israel or pro-Israel entities could have the power or influence to restore Khan to political relevance in Pakistan.

    This suggestion can be problematic because it implies that Israel, or those associated with it, could directly intervene in Pakistan’s internal political affairs, which may play into larger, unfounded conspiracy theories about Israeli or Jewish influence in global politics. These kinds of assertions, especially when linked to personal relationships or political networks like those of the Goldsmith family, risk reinforcing the stereotype that Israel or Jewish elites hold disproportionate power to affect political change in other countries.

    While it’s true that countries may leverage diplomatic relationships and back-channel communications to influence foreign leaders or political outcomes, framing it in this way—without providing clear evidence—can perpetuate harmful ideas about secret influence or control, which are often tied to anti-Semitic tropes.

    ChatGPT 4o, when asked to analyse this article for anti-semitism. Note how ChatGPT’s writing style is weirdly similar to the article itself.

    So the question I would like ask is this – Is the Times of Israel anti-Semitic?

    Take of this as you will. Read more of my blogs on Western Imperialism (Fish & Chips). Last week, I presented two evidence-backed reports on how Western Media hides Israel’s warcrimes.

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