CIA in 1948: Embargo on Israel will lead to peaceful coexistence in Middle East

CIA report confirms that Israel had illegal munitions factories and bomb-making units for over a decade before it even existed as a country.

The CIA, under orders of the Truman administration, issued a report on how a U.N. arms embargo would affect the outcome of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

The CIA collaborated with the intelligence units of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and the State Department, to learn of the decade-long investments by Israel in munitions factories, bomb-making plants, terror attacks, and smuggling of foreign fighters to seize Palestine by force.

CIA report ORE 48-48: UN arms embargo on Israel would likely lead moderates to seek peaceful coexistence with Arab states. UN embargo against Arabs would lead to a collapse in Palestine.

Related: Illegals & Terrorists: What CIA said of Israel’s Irgun (Bibi’s Party) in 1944

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    Illegal European Fighters & Arms

    Series: Zionist Terror Attacks in 1937 – A Newspaper History

    “The Jews have managed in various ways surreptitiously to acquire large amounts of arms and equipment from British Army stocks in Palestine.

    The efforts of Zionist agents abroad have resulted in the stockpiling of quantities of small arms, automatic weapons, and ammunition in various eastern European countries for eventual shipment to Palestine. Most of these stocks come from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and possibly from Poland and the USSR.”

    A gang of Zionist terrorists in Palestine
    CIA notes that Israeli terror groups, Irgun and Lehi, rejected the Provisional Government of Israel (PGI) and reaffirmed their claim to all of Palestine and Transjordan. Irgun relied on the European Bitar terror group to send weapons into Palestine.

    While the Zionists were able to leverage their European contacts (terror groups like Bitar in Eastern Europe, and the Bergson Group in the USA) to smuggle weapons and money into Palestine, the CIA notes that Arab states were not financially capable of affording the same stocks.

    “The dollar shortage of the Arab states, however, would limit the quantities thus procured to a very small percentage of what the Jewish forces could obtain.” The report learns.

    “An active, well-financed Zionist organization throughout Europe and the US would be able to run arms ships as formerly it ran ships of illegal immigrants.

    Principal sources for small arms, automatic and semiautomatic weapons, ammunition, explosives, mortars, and light artillery would continue to be Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, with delivery accomplished by transhipment through Albania, Bulgaria, and Italy.”

    CIA confirms that Zionist organisations consistently and safely used the US mainland for illegal human trafficking into Palestine, and to raise funding for terror attacks against Britain.

    The CIA was also aware that resolute Western support (via the UN Security Council) for Israel would stew long-term conflict in the Middle East.

    The report continues, “Moreover, the Arab masses would probably turn against their own governments, holding them responsible for the defeat. The violence and unrest accompanying these political upheavals would create the chaotic conditions most favorable to Soviet exploitation.”

    Jewish Militia in Deir Yassin after the massacre in 1948
    Zionist militias in the aftermath of the Deir Yassin village massacre. Israeli terror groups Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah lobbed grenades into the homes of Arab families, looted homes, burnt corpses, and paraded the civilian villagers across the streets of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) before executing them point-blank.

    Related: Deir Yassin Massacre: How Israel Rewrites History of Murdering & Parading 100+ Innocents

    A common hasbara lie is that Israel was outnumbered by the six hostile Arab states surrounding it. Even though the Arabs were the demographic majority, the masses were not even close to as militarised when compared to Israel, which had been importing foreign fighters from Europe.

    The six ‘hostile’ Arab states fielded 25,000 soldiers against Israel’s 90,000. As per the CIA, this figure does not include terror groups like Irgun and Lehi, likely contributing 10,000 more terrorists against the outgunned and out-financed Arabs.

    In 1938, the British High Commission rejected proposals for creating an armament industry in Palestine. The British had gone as far as to issue bans on any sort of munitions production in the country, but this did little to dissuade Zionist terror groups from setting up illegal factories and bomb-making units. The CIA notes:

    “There is evidence that even before the proclamation of the independent state of Israel a considerable capacity for the illegal manufacture of weapons and ammunition had been developed within the present boundaries of the new Jewish state.

    Matériel so manufactured has been uncovered by numerous British police and military raids on various installations.”

    It is alleged that in northeast Palestine 90 percent
    of the Jewish men are armed. According to one source, 25 settlements in the Tiberias- Safad region with a total population of 8,415 Jews had a total of 2,699 rifles and 372 automatic weapons.

    CIA report ORE 48-48
    A portrait of Hillel Kook.
    The British Mi5 relentlessly pursued Hillel Kook, a Russian-born Zionist in the US for his role in illegal weapons & human smuggling into Palestine. Credit: Laurence A. Jarvik

    Mi5 Cable: The UK begged US to stop Israeli terrorist Menachem Begin

    As corroborated by declassified Mi5 reports, Zionists were using Prague as a centre for illegal arms smuggling into Palestine. The CIA likewise confirms that an American firm, Service Airways, used a Panamanian subsidiary to support illegal arms smuggling.

    “These aircraft are reported to be carrying small planes, aircraft parts, and arms to the Jewish forces in Palestine. Several C-46’s bearing the Panamanian flag have recently been observed at the Zatec airport, a center for clandestine arms operations near Prague.”

    Arabs Were Weak, Exploited

    Israel was backed by global Zionist organisations that funnelled endless fighters, arms, and money into Palestine. The Arabs, as noted by the CIA, were disadvantaged due to their colonised and exploited history.

    “The Arab states in general lack even the limited industrial base which lends strength to the forces of Israel. This can hardly be attributed to lack of raw materials, since all are similarly deficient in this respect…

    Perhaps a more important factor is their position as small countries which have been up until recently, or still are, dominated by major powers whose policy was to supply them with their requirements for weapons and ammunition rather than to see their own small industries built up.”

    A Wanted poster issued by the British Mandate Palestine force for Zionist terrorists. This list features Menachem Begin (leader of Irgun terror group and Sixth Prime Minister of Israel) and Yitzhak Shamir (leader of Lehi terror group and Seventh Prime Minister of Israel).

    The creation of Israel is a tale of mass terrorism, human smuggling, arms trafficking, and unwavering support of the United States. Back in the 1940s, Americans dared to call out Israel and Zionists for their terror tactics, as observed in multiple CIA reports. Now they look the other way from an Israel-led genocide.

    What happened, America?

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