Abu Al-Fadl Grove Attack – Feb 1948
Date: 02/1948
Location: Abu Al-Fadl (Ramle)
Perpetrators: Irgun Zvai Leumi
Victims: 10 Palestinians, including 1 woman.
What Happened?
In early February 1948, Abu Al-Fadl, a hamlet located West of Ramle, was attacked. Members of the Irgun Zvai Leumi ambushed the local Palestinian labourers working in one of the hamlet groves. The attack led to the deaths of 10 Palestinians – 9 men and 1 woman.
Israeli Historian Benny Morris notes that this massacre was ‘probably’ executed by Etzel (LHI is also a possibility) and that it was one of the many attacks designed to “erode Arab morale”, anticipating the end of the British Mandate in Palestine.
P. 80 – Morris, B. (2004). The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge Middle East Studies, Series Number 18.
Pictorial and Evidence

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